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Meringues with Guava Cream

Meringues with Guava Cream

Meringues with Guava Cream


12 meringues

125ml cream

125ml guava puree

3 egg whites

¾ castor sugar

Separate eggs and place whites in a large glass bowl.  Beat until frothy and then mix until they are creamy and stiff.  When whites form a peak that does not fall over, add castor sugar gradually and beat until the mixture become smooth and shiny.  Line a baking tray with grease proof paper and make mounds of about a tablespoon.  Heat the oven to 140⁰C.  Place meringues in middle of oven, close the door and turn down to 120⁰C.  Bake for 45minutes, then turn oven off and allow the meringues to cool completely in oven.  Whip cream until stiff.  Fold in guava puree.  Sandwich the meringues together with the cream.  Dust with cocoa.

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