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Donec sed erat ut magna suscipit mattis, aliquam erat volutpat morbi in orci risus. Donec pretium fringilla

Peel firm ripe guavas and cut them in half. Remove all the bruised and damaged parts of the fruit. Measure the number of bottles required by packing the fruit into them.

Prepare the syrup by dissolving 250ml sugar in 500ml water and bring to the boil. (You will need more or less 250-350ml syrup per large glass bottle and 125-200ml syrup for a smaller bottle. Place the peeled guavas in the boiling syrup and cook for about 10-15 minutes or until froth starts to appear on top of the syrup or the pips start to loosen. Be careful not to overcook the guavas as overcooked guavas loose their pips.

Pack into sterilized bottles and fill to the rim with syrup. Remove all the air bubbles by inserting a knife against the inside of the bottles. Close the cap tightly and place the bottles upside down while they cool. This will ensure that the bottles seal properly.


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